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David Russell

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Wippells Autos


I'm combatting homelessness by taking part in Vinnies Community Sleepout and hope to raise much needed funds for Vinnies.
I am honoured to be a part of this amazing event and helping a great cause, and I’d really appreciate your support in this endeavour.
ALL donations you give go directly to Vinnies, so click on DONATE NOW!
Thank you for your support and helping to make a difference!

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St Vincent de Paul Society Queensland (Toowoomba Sleepout)

Toowoomba Vinnies Community Sleepout There are more than 105,000 Australians who find themselves homeless each night of the year. Just under half of these are women; a quarter are under the age of 18. The Toowoomba Vinnies Community Sleepout on Thursday 20 June 2013 is a unique way for business and community leaders to raise awareness and important funds in support of essential homeless services.

How can you make a difference? If you are a local Toowoomba business or community leader - rise to the challenge and experience what it is like to be homeless for one night in winter.

Register today and make a positive difference to the community you live in. We look forward to rising to the challenge of homelessness together in 2013.

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